Greenkeeper App
Your course is fully loaded with all features; Greens, Tees, Bunkers, etc. All features have their measurements preloaded, no more guessing at green size or area. Use the App as a constant reference for staff and course managers.

Measure Distance and Areas
Record GPS Tracks, Drop Placemarks & Add Notes
Plot Geotagged Photos
3D Master Model
Our technology provides an accurate and editable 3D Model of your golf course. The 3D models allows you to prototype any changes to the course. Add/Remove trees, add/remove bunkers, edit terrain.
Using imagery and video you can review and communicate internally and to promote design changes to the membership.
Additional Services:
As your course is full mapped there a many other service we can offer to make planning on course works easier.
Cut & Fill Calculations
Contour Generation
Watershed Analysis
Visual Impact Assesments
Before & After Graphics