Members Area
When the member opens the App, options are presented, and in the Members’ Area, the Club can place information such as Members News, forthcoming events, competitions and other information. This option is not accessible if you are not a member of the club.
Tee Time Bookings
In this area, members and visitors can book tee times, with visitors being able to book and pay the relevant green fee. The app allows members to book golf much quicker than before. It removes the delay of searching for the website online.

Push Notifications
This feature is part of the mobile app and allows admin staff to send rapid push notifications to their members. Push notifications, have an impressive opt-in rate of 60-70 % upon average. Email Opt-in rate, is only 5%on the average. 17-20%of users who receive a push notification click the link it contains. Email has a far less impressive result of 2-3%.
Live Scoring
A great feature for those golf clubs that have a very competitive membership. Follow the scores of both stroke play and matchplay competitions live from your ClubNet App. This service can be offered at an additional cost to visiting golf societies and event organisers, to enhance their day and make their event more memorable.

3D Course Guide
The 3D course guide is a great feature for visitors, and can be set up to be offered only if the visitor registers, as a data capture exercise. Visitors can then be sent messages, offers and encouraged to return. It offers a solution for measuring distances to holes too.
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